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Art of the Month is a members-only art contest held during each monthly meeting. Our guest demonstrator chooses 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

The contest judge will give a brief critique of each winning piece. This is a great opportunity for all of us to learn!

To learn how Art of the Month works and how to enter, click here.

You can see the artwork at three Manchester locations: Mary Cheney Library, The Arbors, and Whiton Library.

December 2024 Winners, judged by the members


Eddie Auyeung,1st
Nude, pencil, The Arbors

Louise Cooke, 2nd
Translucence, pastel, Mary Cheney Library


Terry Harrington, 3rd

Pear, acrylic, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Eddie Auyeung, (1st), Louise Cooke (2nd), and Terry Harrington (3rd).


November 2024 Winners, judged by the members


Judith Goldstein,1st
In the Desert, watercolor, The Arbors

Natasha Pindel, 2nd
Kitten, pastel, Mary Cheney Library


Tied for 3rd (not to be displayed): 

Karen Waggoner, Vineyard on a Fall Day, photography

Chris Sanders, Ocracoke, watercolor

Jim Oliphant, Reflective Cove, watercolor


Photo, left to right, Judith Goldstein, (1st), Natasha Pindel (2nd), and tied for 3rd: Karen Waggoner, Chris Sanders and Jim Oliphant.


October 2024 Winners


Tim Simoes,1st
Ghost in the Lake, photography, The Arbors

Dan Nichols, 2nd
After a Tropical Storm, oil sticks, Whiton Library


Alexis Mitchell, 3rd

Hope, watercolor, Mary Cheney Library


Photo, left to right, Tim Simoes, (1st), Dan Nichols (2nd), and Alexis Mitchell (3rd).


September 2024 Winners


Joyce Erickson,1st
Rocks in Stream, acrylic, The Arbors

Ayla (Alexis Mitchell), 2nd
Forest Steps, oil, Mary Cheney Library 

Photo, left to right, Ayla (Alexis Mitchell) (2nd), and Joyce Erickson (1st)


May 2024 Winners


Joyce Erickson,1st
In between Storms, acrylic, Mary Cheney Library

Roy Wrenn, 2nd
Brooklyn Bridge, acrylic, The Arbors 

Karen Pizzitola, 3rd
Charles Phelps, watercolor, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Joyce Erickson (1st), Roy Wrenn (2nd), and Karen Pizzitola (3rd).


April 2024 Winners


Dan Nichols,1st
Poppies, watercolor, Whiton Library

Karen Waggoner, 2nd
Alleyway of Main St., photography, Mary Cheney Library

Karen Pizzitola, 3rd
Stone House, watercolor, The Arbors


Photo, left to right, Karen Pizzitola (3rd), Karen Waggoner (2nd), and Dan Nichols (1st).


March 2024 Winners


Karen Pizzitola,1st
Aborn Castle, watercolor, The Arbors

Mary Bollash, 2nd
The Visitor, photography, Mary Cheney Library

Adrianna Young, 3rd
Nailed it!, encaustic, Whiton Library

Dick Knotts, Honorable mention
Continuum, wood, NA


Photo, left to right, Karen Pizzitola (1st), Mary Bollash (2nd), Adrianna Young (3rd), Dick Knotts (HM).


December 2023 Winners


Karen Pizzitola, 1st

Solitude, watercolor, Whiton Library

Laura Kinlock, 2nd

Tree Vines, pen & ink, Mary Cheney Library


Tim Simoes, 3rd

Flower Girl, oil, The Arbors


Photo, left to right, Tim Simoes (3rd), Laura Kinlock (2nd) and Karen Pizzitola (1st).


November 2023 Winners


Roy Wrenn, 1st

Moon Light, acrylic-mixed media, Mary Cheney Library

Bonnie Lindland, 2nd

One Happy Pup!, watercolor, Whiton Library 


Athira Sanal, 3rd

Kathakali, acrylic, The Arbors


Photo, left to right, Athira Sanal (3rd), Bonnie Lindland (2nd) and Roy Wrenn (1st).


October 2023 Winners


Janet Heller, 1st

Sally's Pond, watercolor, The Arbors

Rhea Sutter, 2nd

Abandoned Gazebo, acrylic, Mary Cheney Library 


Chris Larson, 3rd

Looking Through, pastel, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Janet Heller (1st), Rhea Sutter (2nd) and Chris Larson (3rd).


September 2023 Winners


Mary Bollash, 1st

Aunt Tina’s Beach, watercolor, Mary Cheney Library 


Austin Pouliot, 2nd

IDK OK, gel stain, Whiton Library


Joyce Erickson, Honorable MentionMidnight Sky, sculpture (too large to place)


Photo, left to right, Joyce Erickson (HM), Austin Pouliot (2nd) and Mary Bollash (1st).


May 2023 Winners


Victoria Dubiel, 1st

Sustentation, photogaphy, The Arbors


Doris Philips, 2nd

Charlie, oil, Whiton Library


Bina Nair, 3rd 

Warli (Indian Art), acrylic, Mary Cheney Library


Photo, left to right, Victoria Dubiel (1st), Bina Nair (3rd) and Doris Philips (2nd).


April 2023 Winners


Natasha Piendel, 1st

The Last Light, pastel, Whiton Library


Jim Oliphant, 2nd

Pink Ruffles, photography,The Arbors


Karen Waggoner, 3rd 

Poetry Flower, photography, Mary Cheney Library


Photo, left to right, Natasha Piendel (1st), Jim Oliphant (2nd) and Karen Waggoner (3rd).


March 2023 Winners


Adrianna Young, 1st

Companions, oil, Mary Cheney Library   


Dan Nichols, 2nd

Field of Dreams, oil, The Arbors


Athira Sanal, 3rd 

Kakakali, acrylic, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Adrianna Young (1st), Dan Nichols (2nd) and Athira Sanal (3rd).


December 2022 Winners


Jeff Reid, 1st 

Bonnie, oil, Mary Cheney Library   


Sharon Quaglia, 2nd

Cream, alcohol ink, Whiton Library


Tim Simoes, 3rd 

Best Friends, oil, The Arbors


Because we are meeting via Zoom for the next two months, winning artwork for December will remain on display for three months. 


Photo, left to right, Sharon Quaglia (2nd), Jeff Reid (1st) and Tim Simoes (3rd).


November 2022 Winners


Austin Pouliot, 1st 

CC Special, acrylic, Mary Cheney Library   


Emilie Beckwith, 2nd

Cascades of Blue, watercolor, The Arbors


Normand Charlette, 3rd 

Buckland Pond Menagerie, Photography, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Normand Charlette (3rd), Emilie Beckwith (2nd) and Austin Pouliot (1st).

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October 2022 Winners


Sharon Quaglia, 1st

The Sun Poured in Like Butterscotch, alcohol ink, The Arbors  


Jessey Ina-Lee, 2nd

ABJ, acrylic markers, Mary Cheney Library 


Micheline Champagne, 3rd 

La Vachiere, acrylic, Whiton Library


Photo, left to right, Sharon Quaglia (1st), Jessey Ina-Lee (2nd) and Micheline Champagne (3rd ).


September 2022 Winners


Adrianna Young, 1st

Getting It Together, monotype collage, Mary Cheney Library 


Sharon Quaglia, 2nd

Serendipityalcohol ink, Whiton Library


Dan Nichols, 3rd 

On Fern Street, oil, The Arbors


Photo, left to right, Adrianna Young (1st), Dan Nichols (3rd) and Shanon Quaglia (2nd).

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